
R packages

"ape" (Paradis et al 2004)

"geiger" (Harmon et al. 2008)


Example 1: simulating a single trait under Brownian motion <- rTraitCont(trbd2)
##       t1       t2       t3       t4       t5       t6       t7       t8 
## -1.55583 -0.62867 -0.05259  0.18589  0.32598  1.05130  0.10769  0.28563 
##       t9      t10      t11      t12      t13      t14      t15      t16 
##  0.41660 -0.21336 -0.14154 -0.09060 -0.38945 -0.62948 -0.34706 -0.34775 
##      t17      t18      t19      t20      t21      t22 
## -0.43898 -1.52219 -0.54451 -0.38288 -0.51639 -1.25199

The BM parameter is defined by default σ = 0.1; note that this is σ, not σ2, so this value must be squared to calculate the expected variance with σ2T where T is the time of evolution (which is here the age of the root because the tree is ultrametric). The value of T can be extracted with the function branching.times whose first value is the age of the root and we check that this is close to the observed variance of the simulated trait:

0.1^2 * branching.times(trbd2)[1]
##  23 
## 0.5
## [1] 0.3787

Example 2: contrasting continuous- and discrete-time simulation

In this exercise, we want to simulate a BM model outside a tree (which is equivalent to simulating a trait along a single branch). We will show that using a discrete-time or a continuous-time formulation give exactly the same results. We first look at the respective mathematical expressions, first in continuous time:

xT = x0 + εT, with εT ~ N(0, σ2T),

where N denotes the normal distribution, and in discrete time:

xT = x0 + Σ εt, with εt ~ N(0, σ2), and t = 1, ..., T.

So it's needed to generate only one random normal variate with the first formulation, while we need to generate T variates in the second one. We are going to compare the running times of these two solutions in R setting σ = 0.1 (the function rnorm is paramerized with the standard-deviation σ while the usual mathematical notation uses the variance σ2), T = 100, and replicating the simulation 10,000 times (i.e., generating 10,000 values of xT):

system.time(Xcont <- rnorm(10000, 0, 1))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.002   0.000   0.001
system.time(Xdisc <- replicate(10000, sum(rnorm(100, 0, 0.1))))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.175   0.000   0.175

Without surprise, the continuous-time model is much faster to simulate, and, of course, this will be even worst for larger values of T. We refer to the book to compare the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches. We can test that they gave the same results by testing that the means and variances of both samples are not significantly different:

t.test(Xcont, Xdisc)
## 	Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  Xcont and Xdisc
## t = -0.0279, df = 19998, p-value = 0.9778
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.02818  0.02739
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  -0.01302  -0.01263
var.test(Xcont, Xdisc)
## 	F test to compare two variances
## data:  Xcont and Xdisc
## F = 1.006, num df = 9999, denom df = 9999, p-value = 0.7745
## alternative hypothesis: true ratio of variances is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.9671 1.0460
## sample estimates:
## ratio of variances 
##              1.006

Example 3: Brownian motion with variable rate

We will take a model with random rates σ for each branch of the tree. We use the fact that in rTraitCont, the argument sigma can be a vector with as many values than the number of branches of the tree. The values of σ are drawn from a continuous distribution between 0 and 1.

sigs <- runif(Nedge(tr))
x <- rTraitCont(tr, sigma = sigs)

Example 4: Stasis with Brownian motion after speciation

The punctational model of evolution assumes that phenotypic change occurs mainly during speciation events. We see here two ways to simulate traits under such a model. The first one is to build a function to be used as argument to rTraitCont (note that the second argument of foo is not used inside the function but must be present in its definition):

foo <- function(x, l) x + rnorm(1, 0, 0.1)
x <- rTraitCont(tr, foo)

The second way is to transform all the branch lengths to one and then use rTraitCont in the usual way:

tr2 <- compute.brlen(tr, 1)
x <- rTraitCont(tr2)

In both cases we used σ = 0.1 and change was independent of time.

Example 5: Ornstein–Uhlenbeck model with two optima

One stength of the OU model is that the parameter θ can vary which makes possible to model variable optima in adaptive evolution. For simplicity, let's consider a fully balanced tree with n = 16 and its branch lengths set equal to one:

ts <- compute.brlen(stree(16, "b"), 1)

We then need to specify the values of θ for each branch of the tree; we choose here θ = 1 for the first half of the tree and θ = 10 for the second half (see below on how to find the indices of the branches):

theta <- rep(1, Nedge(tr))
theta[16:30] <- 10

We can now call rTraitCont with the appropriate options; we also ask this function to output the values of the simulated trait at the nodes of the tree:

xou2 <- rTraitCont(ts, "OU", theta = theta, ancestor = TRUE)
##     t1     t2     t3     t4     t5     t6     t7     t8     t9    t10 
##  9.787  9.809  9.787  9.776  9.726  9.794  4.094  9.968  1.346  1.262 
##    t11    t12    t13    t14    t15    t16  Node1  Node2  Node3  Node4 
##  1.250  1.229  1.154  1.221  1.390  1.320  0.000  6.335  8.656  9.508 
##  Node5  Node6  Node7  Node8  Node9 Node10 Node11 Node12 Node13 Node14 
##  9.435  8.553  9.509  9.649  6.298  2.894  1.785  1.719  3.061  1.675 
## Node15 
##  1.700

Note that the trait value at the root (labeled Node1) is zero. We can represent these data in different ways, we choose here vertical bars after rescaling the trait values (dividing them by 10):

plot(ts, label.offset = 0.2)
xs <- xou2/10
nodelabels(thermo = rep(1, Nnode(ts)), height = xs[-(1:16)], width = 0.05)
tiplabels(thermo = rep(1, Ntip(ts)), height = xs[1:16], width = 0.05)
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-15

If one wants to change a specific value in the vector theta, it is possible to find the indices of all branches with a plot of the tree:

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-16

Example 6: simple Markov chain

One of the simplest models of discrete trait evolution can be modeled with a Markov chain with two states and equal transition rates. This is the default of the function rTraitDisc:

x <- rTraitDisc(tr)
##  t2  t7  t5  t4 t10  t1  t3  t9  t6  t8 
##   A   A   A   A   A   B   A   A   A   A 
## Levels: A B

To change the model to one with asymmetric rates, we can simply use the short-cut "ARD" as model and give the values of rates (if only one value is given, an error is returned):

x <- rTraitDisc(tr, "ARD", rate = c(0.1, 0.2))
##  t2  t7  t5  t4 t10  t1  t3  t9  t6  t8 
##   A   A   A   A   A   A   B   A   A   A 
## Levels: A B

Example 7: meristic characters

This kind of discrete traits evolve so that only transitions between 'contiguous states' are possible. For instance, we can assume that the number of vertebrae (or other developmental units) can only change by adding (or removing) one vertebra at a time. There are several ways to simulate such a model of evolution in R. If the number of states is limited, it is possible to build a Markov chain where only the transitions close to the diagonal will be permitted:

m <- matrix(0, 4, 4)
for (i in 1:3) m[i, i + 1] <- m[i + 1, i] <- 2
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,]    0    2    0    0
## [2,]    2    0    2    0
## [3,]    0    2    0    2
## [4,]    0    0    2    0

In this model the rates of increase and of decrease are equal, but this can be modified easily. This matrix is then used as argument to the option model:

rTraitDisc(tr, model = m)
##  t2  t7  t5  t4 t10  t1  t3  t9  t6  t8 
##   B   A   B   B   A   B   A   B   A   A 
## Levels: A B C D

This model assumes a limited number of states for the trait. For a model with an infinite number of states, it is better to use rTraitCont with a custom function such as:

m <- function(x, l) x + sample(-1:1, size = 1)

In this model, x is evolved by adding –1, 0, or +1 with equal probability. These probabilities can be changed with the option prob of sample; for instance, a model where the probability of no change is equal to 0.9 and the probability of change in either direction is equal to 0.05 would be defined with:

m <- function(x, l) x + sample(-1:1, size = 1, prob = c(0.05, 0.9, 0.05))

Example 8: branch length transformation

We have seen several times than, under a Brownian motion model, the quantity of evolution accumulated through time is expected to be equal to σ2 T. Thus, changing the value of T (the time of evolution) will have the same effect than changing the value of σ2 (the rate of evolution) as long as their product is the same. Thus, we can simulate various models of evolution on a phylogeny by transforming its branch lengths (as long as they represent values of time).

The package geiger has the function rescale which transforms the branch lengths of a tree according to a specified model (11 models are available). The function compute.brlen in ape provides a way to change branch lengths with user-defined numerical values or a function. It is also possible to modify the length of a specific branch in R's standard way, for instance:

tr$edge.length[5] <- 10

The transformed tree is then used to simulate traits as seen before.

Example 9: two correlated traits

There are a number of ways to model the correlated evolution of two traits. We take here a model:

Xt = X0 + M εt,

where X is a vector with two values, M is a matrix giving the strength of the correlation between the two traits, and εt is a vector of two independent random normal variates. We define M as a 2 by 2 matrix with diagonal elements 1 and off-diagonal elements 0.5, which shows that this is a model with correlated errors. We can write the model as a function:

sigma <- 0.1
M <- matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), 2, 2)
foo <- function(x, l) x + M %*% rnorm(2, 0, sigma * l)

The function foo has the same arguments than we have seen above, but this time it returns a vector of length two instead of a single value. There is also a notable difference: sigma and M have been defined outside foo and this one can found them thanks to the lexical scoping rule of R. This is useful to run several simulations and changing the values of these parameters as done below:

rTraitMult(tr, foo, p = 2)
##             x1       x2
## t2  -1.2441561 -2.00833
## t7  -1.3089568 -1.95362
## t5   0.2059091  0.06923
## t4   0.1045884 -0.01463
## t10 -0.1122785 -0.07383
## t1   0.1091219  0.04879
## t3  -0.2106405 -0.21023
## t9   0.0679979  0.11302
## t6   0.0610700  0.05060
## t8   0.0004179  0.02351
sigma <- 1
rTraitMult(tr, foo, p = 2)
##          x1       x2
## t2  -0.7955 -7.29234
## t7  -1.4215 -6.98234
## t5  -3.1582 -2.99656
## t4  -2.6850 -2.49535
## t10 -2.9068 -3.10976
## t1  -2.6136 -1.71306
## t3  -0.6735  0.99482
## t9  -1.4408 -0.19704
## t6  -0.4405  0.04391
## t8   0.4374 -0.66539

Example 10: assessing type I error rates

Pvalue <- function(n) {
    tr <- rtree(n)
    x <- rnorm(n)  # rTraitCont(tr)
    y <- rnorm(n)  # rTraitCont(tr)
    summary(lm(pic(x, tr) ~ pic(y, tr) - 1))$coef[1, 4]

typeIerrorRate <- function(n, nrep) sum(replicate(nrep, Pvalue(n)) < 0.05)/nrep

sapply(c(10, 50, 100), typeIerrorRate, nrep = 10000)
## [1] 0.1192 0.1714 0.1911

This code evaluates the type I error rate of testing the correlation of two variables that do not evolve on a tree and controlling (wrongly) for phylogenetic dependence. The function Pvalue can easily be modified to simulate different scenarios (as shown after the #). n is the number of species in the tree and nrep is the number of replications of the simulation. The last command was used to calculate the type I error rates reported in the book.

Example 11: constrained simulation with a known ancestral character

This problem was suggested by Tristan Lefebure:
Say that we have two characters that are evolutionary correlated: one is continuous (say body length) the other being discrete (say habitat type). Let's say also that we know how these two characters are correlated (for exemple from a prior pgls analysis), and that we know the ancestral state of the discrete character (say from paleoecological studies). How would you simulate the evolution of the continuous trait with a BM model given the ancestral state of the discrete one?

This is a very interesting question which has many potential applications, particularly since paleoecological data are widely available. In the function rTraitCont, the option model can be either "BM" or "OU", but also a function of the form f(x, l) where x is the trait value of the ancestor and l is the branch length; this function must return the value of the trait after evolution along that branch. A simple example could be:

f <- function(x, l) x + rnorm(1, 0, 0.1 * sqrt(l))
rTraitCont(tr, model = f)
##       t2       t7       t5       t4      t10       t1       t3       t9 
##  0.47416  0.60474  0.20600  0.27827  0.23707  0.15512  0.14326  0.24908 
##       t6       t8 
##  0.13863 -0.03565

which is nothing else than our classical BM model with σ = 0.1. The way the ancestral value is called in the code of rTraitCont makes possible to use known values for a specific node. For instance, suppose we want to simulate a model where the trait follows a BM process with σ = 0.1 when the variable `habitat' is 1, and with σ = 0.5 when its is 2. To prepare our simulations, we need to build two vectors: one with the values of σ and one with the values of `habitat' ordered along the node numbers of the tree:

sigma <- c(0.1, 0.5)
habitat <- c(1, 1, 2, 2)  # etc....

In this case, we would have habitat = 1 for the first and the second nodes, etc. (the node numbering system used by ape can be displayed with nodelabels() after plotting a tree). We can now define our model with this function:

f <- function(x, l) {
    sig <- sigma[as.numeric(habitat[anc[i] - n])]
    x + rnorm(1, 0, sig * l)

The crucial bit is anc[i] which matches the internal code of rTraitCont. Note the offset -n because the node numbers starts from n + 1 (this offset would be omitted if habitat were a concatenated vector of the recent and ancestral values). The as.numeric is to insure that a numeric value is used even if habitat is coded as a factor.
