
R packages

"ape" (Paradis et al 2004)

"ade4" (Dray & Dufour, 2007; Chessel et al. 2004; Dray et al. 2007)

"MASS" (Venables & Ripey, 2004)

"picante" (Kembel et al., 2010)

"apTreeshape" (Bartolussi et al. 2012)

"spacodiR" (Eastman et al., 2013)

"phylobase" (R Hackathon et al. 2013)

"phyloseq" (McMurdie & Holmes, 2013)


METRIC CODE ("metrics.R"), Novel code to calculate community phylogenetic metrics

WRAPPER CODE ("functions.R"), Wrapper code to rapidly calculate the shape, evenness, and dispersion metrics described in the chapter

FIGURE 2 ANALYSES ("figures.R"), Code used to generate figure 2 in the chapter, and use the above files to calculate metrics and compare them

PGLMM ANALYSES ("pglmm.R"), Code to calculate the PGLMM models in the chapter

METRIC TABLES ("tables.pdf"), Description of additional metrics and their placement into the framework described in the chapter. Also the abbreviations used in figure 2 in the chapter.



The file functions.R shows how the metrics described in the chapter can be calculated. However, below is a more annotated example that shows how the functions can be used.

#Load the functions written for the chapter
## Loading required package: apTreeshape
## Attaching package: 'apTreeshape'
## The following object is masked from 'package:phylobase':
##     ancestor
#Load example data from 'picante'
#Prune species from the phylogeny missing from the community data
tree <- drop.tip(phylocom$phy, setdiff(phylocom$phy$tip.label,  colnames(phylocom$sample)))
#Calculate metrics! (ignore the warnings)
shape <- shape.metrics(phylocom$sample, tree)
evenness <- evenness.metrics(phylocom$sample, tree)
dispersion <- dispersion.metrics(phylocom$sample, tree)
#Take a quick look!
##            PSV   PSR SR   MPD PD   regPD Ic  Gamma TDI_Dplus TDI_SRDplus
## clump1  0.4857 3.886  8 4.857 16 -4.8824  9 -1.131     7.929       63.43
## clump2a 0.6000 4.800  8 6.000 17 -4.8235  6 -1.131     8.000       64.00
## clump2b 0.7143 5.714  8 7.143 18 -3.8235  6 -1.061     7.714       61.71
## clump4  0.8286 6.629  8 8.286 22  0.1765  5 -1.131     8.357       66.86
## even    0.8857 7.086  8 8.857 30  9.1176  6 -2.222     8.571       68.57
## random  0.8429 6.743  8 8.429 27  4.2353 11 -1.471     7.500       60.00
##         PEsumvar Eed Hed
## clump1   0.03563  NA  NA
## clump2a  0.04493  NA  NA
## clump2b  0.03985  NA  NA
## clump4   0.04539  NA  NA
## even     0.04985  NA  NA
## random   0.02268  NA  NA
